Thursday, June 9, 2016

Stick Insect Visits 1G

 Walking Stick

My Home: I am usually found on bushes
or in small trees. I look like a twig and part of the plant I am on so I can hide from birds and other predators. My specialty is camouflage.

What I eat: I only eat leaves and stems of plants and usually only eat at night.

What I look like: My size ranges from less than 1 inch to over 1 foot in length, depending on my species. I have a built in camouflage and appear to look like part of the plant.

How I am born: I go through three stages of development: egg, nymph and adult. The female can lay up to 150 eggs, dropping them one by one to the ground. My egg is also camouflaged and resembles a brown seed. I hatch in the spring as a nymph and resemble a tiny adult. My lifespan is one season. 

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