Thursday, February 25, 2016

We love SSP in 1G!

SSP is Speech Sounds Pic Approach which provides all students with sound choices for spelling and reading. 

We do daily lessons like the one found here that help to train our brains.

Afterwards the students do some speedy reading in pairs and by the looks of it today 1G are good!!

Our first Parent Prayer and Share

 Today we had our first parent prayer and it was so lovely to see so many Mums, Dads, Grandmas and Grandads join us. Thank you for being a part of this time to talk to God.

Afterwards boys and girls in 1G got to share their writing books with our parents. They were so impressed!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

School Disco Fun!

Project Compassion - Thank you for your kindness!!

Every week on Assembly the students from all classes tip the money into the container to be counted towards our target. This year we aim to raise $570. Please keep sending along silver and gold coins for this project.

Promise Assembly at MMK

At assembly last week Elliot read our promise to the school.
James and Jett did a wonderful job of holding it up for all to see.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

1G's first trip to the library

Happy Valentines Day from 1G

We hope you enjoyed your special gift this year.
Happy Valentine's Day!

Patterns, patterns, patterns everywhere!!

Love Lachlan's scissor, stick, stick pattern.
Malcolm used dice and numbers to create his pattern.
MacKenzy went pattern crazy on his turn and created not one but four patterns. Great work Mac!
 Lucas also enjoyed making patterns and did two and three step patterns.
 Sean, Elliot and Jacob worked together to create these patterns.
Erin and Lily along with Charlotte and Georgia worked together to create their patterns.

St Mary MacKillop Celebrates Ash Wednesday!

1G Celebrate Pancake Tuesday

 Lucas and Tate enjoying their yummy pancakes.
Josie and Beau give us their pancake Tuesday smiles :)
Angelina and Jacob enjoying these treats.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

1G love to R-E-A-D!!

Can you fill in the missing numbers? These kids can!

Our first visit to the computer lab - Wednesday

On Wednesday 1G visited the computer lab for the first time. We will visit the lab every Wednesday morning and this week we focussed on the website 'starfall'. This is a literacy and numeracy based website and we enjoyed creating characters in our stories.

You can visit the site here: