Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Acting out - Three Billy Goats Gruff

Where do we get baptised in the Church?

Year One children visited the Church to see the special places in our Church during the sacrament of Baptism. They looked at the Baptismal font, Baptismal pool and the new Mary MacKillop Statue outside our Church.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

1G attends baby Emma's Baptism

Parents Beau and Lily are welcoming baby Emma 
into God's family.
They have chosen Aunty Maddy and Uncle 
Malcolm to be Emma's Godparents.
The parishioners arrive and are ready for the ceremony.
Father Russ has enjoyed baptising baby Emma 
in front of the Church community.
The Baptism photo for Emma's baby album.
Father Beau reenacts how the water is 
poured during the ceremony.
The Godfather is holding the Baptism candle.
The Church is alive with music.

We love it when big kids come to help!

Look we are editing our own writing now!

It's group 2's turn now!

Group 1 show us their stuff!

Soccer Skills - WE LOVE SOCCER!!

On Thursday last week students in Year One enjoyed a session of Soccer skills from a visiting company. Students practised balls skills and then had the opportunity to play a small game in the inflatable arena.

Science challenge? Can you make a tower using Spaghetti and Marshmallows?

Students worked together in groups to produce a standing spaghetti tower. They had a bundle of sticks, big and small marshmallows, 20 minutes and a team. So much crazy fun!